miercuri, 31 martie 2010


...sa-mi spui de ce mi se pare ca alerg dupa fluturi si nu prind nici unul
...sa-mi spui de ce iubesc o stea de pe cer care dispare atunci cand inchid ochii
...sa-mi spui de ce plange primavara, de ce tu nu zambesti, de esti atat de departe... de ce
...sa-mi spui cum ar trebui sa joc pentru ca amintirile ard in foc si tot ce fac nu ramane
...un sunet tacut ma tot urmareste de parca ar vrea sa-mi spuna ceva
speram sa-mi spuna despre tine, dar a uitat... totul s-a pierdut
oare de ce eu am ramas luptandu-ma cu propriile intrebari lasate fara raspuns?
de ce ne certam atat de des in gandurile mele cand doar acolo erai fericita?
de ce nu intinzi o mana ...poate vei primi ce iti doresti...
de ce nu ai incredere...
s-ar putea sa fiu mai aproape decat vezi....

You are my paradise
you’re my obsession
you’re all my wishes put together
you ease my spirit
you’re the shade for my eyes
you knocked on the door of my heart

I may not know much but this I do know
i see God in you my love, what am I to do?
i bow my head before you, my love, what am I to do?

Oh why is this distance!
it’s so frustrating!
i touched you with my gaze
sometimes it’s your fragrance
sometimes it’s your words
without asking, this world became mine

You light up my heart
you’re a lifetime of treasures
i may not know much but this I do know
i see God in you my love, what am I to do?

You deeply reside in my heart
my weeping heart smiled
god has joined this couple together

You came softly
and tormented me
our shadow teased and kissed me
when you smile
when you get shy
it’s like the spirit inside me dances
you’re my good fortune my luck

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